Mayor’s Weekly Message

The next Vincennes Board of Works meeting will be held on Monday, March 24th at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 201 Vigo Street, Vincennes, IN 47591.

City Council will meet at the same location that evening at 6:00 p.m.

The public is invited to both meetings.

You may also stream both meetings live by subscribing to the City of Vincennes YouTube channel;

To stay up to date on weather related emergencies, please register your phone number on CodeRED. CodeRed is the year-round emergency alert system for all weather emergencies.

Click the link below to enroll:

For ongoing updates and information in the City, load the City of Vincennes App!! Click the link below to go to your playstore. Within the City of Vincennes App you will find a community calendar, construction updates and department contact information.

During a snow event, do not park on snow routes. You risk being plowed in or towed.

City of Vincennes Snow Routes & Map

Bayou Street Seventeenth to Tenth Street
Bierhaus Blvd.  Hart Street to State Road 61
Bruceville Road Wheatland Road to Hillcrest Ext. Road
College Ave. Second Street to YMCA
Fifteenth Street Willow Street to Hart Street
Forbes Road Wabash Ave. to McDowell Road
Hart Street Second Street to Richard Bauer Drive
Kimmell Road Hart Street to State Road 61
Main Street Sixth Street to Richard Bauer Drive
McDowell Road Washington Ave. to Forbes Road
Niblack Blvd. Second Street to Washington Avenue
Niblack Road Willow Street to City Limits
Nineteenth Street Main Street to Hart Street
Red Skelton Blvd. Second Street to Oliphant Drive
Richard Bauer Dr. Main Street to Hart Street
Second Street Willow Street to Niblack Boulevard
Seventeenth Street Willow Street to Bayou Street
Seventh Street Willow Street to Washington Avenue
Sixth Street Vigo Street to Wheatland Road
St. Clair Street Second to City Limits
Tenth Street Willow Street to Hart Street
Thirteenth Street Willow Street to Ritterskamp Avenue
Vigo Street Sixth to Tenth Street
Washington Ave. College Avenue to U.S. 50 Overpass
Wheatland Road Sixth Street to City Limits
Willow Street Second to Sixth Street

During a snow event the Vincennes Street Department will first concentrate on the designated snow routes* in each zone.  Hills, overpasses, and bridges are also considered a first priority.  After snow routes are cleared and passable for traffic, the street department will clear roads around schools and begin to make passes through neighborhoods.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who clears sidewalks and driveways?

Both are the responsibility of residents and property owners. Residents should shovel snow into the yard if possible, not onto the street. Putting snow onto the street causes dangerously slippery conditions for both motorists and pedestrians. City crews try to avoid putting large piles of snow in front of driveways; however, this is not always possible.

Why do the snow plow operators plow my driveway shut?

It is impossible for the snow plow operator to plow the windrow from every driveway. Snow plows push snow, it is not a bucket with which you can pick up snow and deposit it elsewhere. To avoid having to double shovel, simply wait until after your street has been plowed to clear your driveway. If you must shovel before the snow plow gets to your street, shovel the snow to the passing side of your driveway (the left side when entering your driveway). The plow will be past your driveway when it hits the snow pile.

Other Helpful Tips

Do not park on snow routes during a snow event!!

Please stay off the streets if you do not need to be on them. Traffic on the street increases the difficulty in plowing streets.

If you meet a snow plow on the street please pull to the side, giving it plenty of room to pass.

If you are following a snow plow please stay back a minimum of 75 feet.